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Slow progress
  Shabbzoy, Jun 25 2008

So for the last month or so I had a lot of time to put into poker, hoping to move to lowmid stakes. Unfortunately this didnt really work out and at times I really started to doubt my edge and looking everywhere to mix up my game. I took a few shots at nl100 and managed to lose about $450 in around the same number of hands.
Obviously i dont believe that my edge is in the region of -100bb/100 so I definitely ran into some nasty coolers and the like, although I'm also aware I have a lot of trouble moving up, I think i get very comfortable with the bet amounts of my current level and suddenly I play pretty scared, especially trying to avoid high variance situations like aggro PF games.

Anyway I managed to drop I guess around $700 doing this and spewing some at nl 25 trying to masstable lag and other pointless things at times when i doubted my 50nl edge.

When feeling really incompetent I played a couple sessions just 1-2 tabling nl 25, and this restored a lot of confidence; even 4tabling i hadnt noticed just how awful nearly every player was. I intend to stay down at nl25 for a while and win back maybe 10 bi to just stop a string of losing sessions at nl50 from getting to me.

I found this 50nl graph which might explain why ive had such a tough time this past 2 months:

Fact is im a very impatient type of person and I need to learn to just keep playing the game that works for me instead of being a maniac in order to try and get some massive winrate. Hopefully my focus will improve with time and as the stakes rise I will be more motivated to keep thinking about every hand.

In any case, not sure quite what the point of all this was. Guess its some kind of 'negative milestone' post at what I hope to be one of my lower points

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Need some funds
  Shabbzoy, Apr 13 2008

Hey all, found an album I want to buy and need some paypal money

any respected poster, i will send(first) $30 on stars for $25 on paypal, ez +EV

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  Shabbzoy, Dec 09 2007

Playing like a maniac and seem to be hitting way more than I deserve

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